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Ikxisuluntuk (Swollen Foot):
a live radio play
Presented by Angel Rose Artist Collective in partnership with Dandelion Collective DC,
Tamachtiluyan Shuchikisa An Ne Nawat,
and Trans-Latinx DMV.
Adapted from Oedipus the King by Sophocles
Bilingual adaptation and directed by Petrona Xemi Tapepechul
Nawat Language Support by Anastacia Lopez Lopez
Dramaturgy by Elle Marie Sullivan

Nelwat Ixkamewe Tanuzalis: Indigenous Root Radio

(l-r) Yereth Adorno as Elder 3, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul, as Elder 1,
Veronica Gomez Giraldo as Host, & Wilmer Xuarez as Elder 2.
(back) Phoenix Lion Sweeney Fen as Techie 2.

(l-r) Yereth Adrono as Elder 3, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Elder 1.

(l-r) Yereth Adorno as Elder 3, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Tagitani (the seer), Veronica Gomez Giraldo as Elder, Wilmer Xuarez as Ikxisuluntuk (the king).

(l-r) Yereth Adorno as Mezti Zihzinaga (the queen),
Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Elder 1.

(front) Yereth Adorno as Mezti Zihzinaga (the queen), Ahanu Tapepechul as Icgamasateguyu Guxgatancaneh (the shepherd).
(back) Arlin Karina Tellez Martinez as Techie 1.

(front) Yereth Adorno as Mezti Zihzinaga (the queen),
Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Foley Lead.
(back) Phoenix Lion Sweeney Fen as Techie 2.

(front) Veronica Gomez Giraldo as Elder, Wilmer Xuarez as Ikxisuluntuk (the king).
(back) Phoenix Lion Sweeney Fen as Techie 2.
Production Photography by: Andrew Maestro Robertson Photography
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