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Ne Iyujyulu/The Gender Identities/Las Identidades de Género


8. Kenhayayulu - EN.png
8. Kenhayayulu - SP.png

Literalmente quiere decir “Corazón Igual”. Compuesta por las palabras del náhuat: Kenya (igual) y -Yulu (corazón). 

Literally means “Same Heart” or “Same Heart”. Composed from the Nawat words: Kenhaya (same) and -Yulu (heart).


“Melka nuchakuwan kenhayayulu, yejemet inkunpawan pal ne chinamit tajtakayulu.”


“Aunque mis amig@s son cisgenero, ell@s son alliad@s de la comunidad Transgenero.”


“Although my friends are cisgender, they are allies to the Trans community.”

Tilkwilni/Artista Grafico/Graphic Artist: Bertie Montes (@wheat6oy), jess alegria ibarra  (@torita.brava).

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